There is only highly condensed nucleus in the head of mature spermatozoon of Tilopia nilotica. 尼罗罗非鱼成熟精子的头部仅有染色质高度浓缩的细胞核。
With the AO/ EB double staining, control cells appeared to be round, intact and bright green while some of the exposed cells exhibited irregular cell morphology and condensed nucleus. AO/EB双染结果显示AO/EB双染后细胞的不同形态,其中对照组的细胞呈亮绿色的完整圆球状,而磁场处理后的细胞则呈现出不规则的细胞形态且有凝集的细胞核。
In the middle spermatid, many small dense particulates are produced by the endoplasmic reticulum vesicles, the nuclear material is condensed, and the nucleus is composed of chromatin lump and vesicular structure. 中期的核内染色质浓缩,同时形成空囊状结构,内质网形成顶体颗粒;
Stage ⅱ, the spermatid acrosomal vesicle flattened and chromatin condensed into fibers like short filaments and the nucleus prolonged; 时期Ⅱ,精子细胞顶体囊泡扁平,细胞核延长,染色质浓缩成短丝状的染色质纤维;
Stage ⅲ, the nucleus went on prolonging and the chromatin fibers in it condensed and was put in a order of parallel to the longitudinal axis of the nucleus. 时期Ⅲ,细胞核进一步延长,核内染色质纤维变粗并沿核纵轴方向排列有序;
The main differences include: ( 1) The chromatin in the generative cell nucleus was condensed, but was dispersed and had numerous nucleare pores in the tube cell nucleus; 生殖细胞与管细胞有明显的分化,主要的差异表现在以下几个方面:(1)生殖细胞核的染色质凝集,而管细胞核的染色质分散,并具发达的核膜孔;
DAPI can clearly show that all periods of nuclei changes in shape. Initial nucleus is regular roundness, then chromatin condensed, nucleus deformity finally disappear in the cell. DAPI染色直观检测空腔形成过程中细胞核的形态变化,原始细胞的细胞核是规则的圆形,然后染色质凝集、细胞核畸形,最后细胞核消失。
The cells treated with DMS exhibited characteristics of apoptosis including increased intra-cellular granules, increased vacuoles in size, decreased cytoplasm and condensed nucleus with smaller, rounded cells shape. More cells detached from the adherent state and suspended in culture medium. 药物作用后主要表现为细胞内部颗粒、空泡增多,体积变小、形态变圆,较多细胞从贴壁状态脱落,悬浮于培养液中。